Youth Group

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Youth Ministry at Hope

Youth group is designed for kids in grades 7-12. (or 13 years old)

Youth Group takes place at Hope Church every Sunday at 6:00 p.m during the school year. Hope Church offers a place where your teens can have fun and grow in their relationship with Jesus and be bold in their faith despite the pressures they might be facing at school.

What can parents expect for their teen when they drop them off?

Each youth night is a little different, but in general, we begin the night with a game followed by a short 15-20 minute message. We take a short 10-minute break where we open up our cafe run by our students.


The teens can choose from several specialty drinks to enjoy. For example: Hot chocolate, Cappuccino, Iced Coffee, or a pop. They can also get a snack to take with them to their small groups.

Following cafe, students will breakout into small groups.

Small Groups:

small groups are divided up by age groups (7th-9th and10th-12th). Each group is led by student leaders with help from our adult leaders. The groups break out in different areas of the church after getting their snack from the cafe and will go over material related to the message.

Youth group comes to a close with ending announcements and prayer. Those teens that need to leave right away are free to leave, but if they want to hang out for a bit after, we are okay with that as well.

Commonly Asked Questions:

where Do the teens meet at?

Youth Group Is located at Hope Church.

is there a form to fill out if its my teens first visit?

Yes, we will send an Emergency Medical Release Form and Permission slip for any events we are planning for the year home with the kids the first night they attend.

what if my teen wants to bring friends, do they need to fill out any form?

Yes, We will send them home with a form when they visit.

Got Questions?

If you have further questions concerning our Hope Teens experience simply fill out the form below and get in contact with us.